Cheryl Clements


Performance Coach

Victoria Park, London


How would you describe personal shopping with Henry Wilfrid in 3 words?

Reassuring, exciting, absolute pleasure

How would you describe the results of us working together in 3 words?

“Confidence-boosting, game-changing, profound”

What positive changes has it had on your life? Have you received any feedback from friends, family or work colleagues?

“So many positive changes. Having Henry's support and expertise means that I feel so much more confident in myself. I feel that I'm on the same level as my clients rather than being embarrassed or uncomfortable with how I looked before. I feel credible and powerful, but still myself. On a practical level, it's so much easier to get dressed in the morning or pack for going away. I feel more strategic and pulled together which has freed up a lot of headspace. I also feel more pleasure towards clothes and my visual identity. I enjoy looking at things now rather than not knowing where to start. Clients totally picked up on this. As soon as I started wearing my new outfits they complimented me on my style and clothes. This hadn't happened before. My husband also loved what I was wearing”.

MORE ABOUT THIS CLIENT – Cheryl's calendar varies hour-to-hour & day-to-day. Her clients are as varied as the locations she meets them in which can make her daily oufit choices difficult to put together.
Is your schedule equally varied? Would you benefit from a session where we pre-plan all your outfits? Get in touch.


"Having Henry's support and expertise means that I feel so much more confident in myself. I feel that I'm on the same level as my clients rather than being embarrassed or uncomfortable with how I looked before. I feel credible and powerful, but still myself."


How did you find working with a male personal shopper? What would you tell someone who was potentially hesitant to do so?

“I really liked it. I never considered it to be a barrier or blocker. In fact I saw it as a bonus as I preferred to have a male insight. I didn't think about it at the time, but I enjoyed that it was more neutral than I imagine working with a woman. I think the energy is different - calmer and less of an expectation that I should know what I want from clothes. Also no comparison with a female shopper”.

Which part of the process did you find most interesting or enjoyable? Why was this?

“Getting the clothes! I really enjoyed doing the prep work as it was great to actually focus my attention on what I wanted to achieve. It made it feel more strategic than just going shopping. I was nervous that the day together could be awkward or uncomfortable e.g. if I didn't like things or felt forced into things. This didn't happen at all. Henry is gentle but commanding, meaning that I trusted him 100% but also felt he was going to be honest with me and I could be honest in return”.

Were there any parts of the process that you found less useful or enjoyable? If so, why?

“No I enjoyed it all”.

Have you had any experiences with a personal shopper before me? (In-store, online or independent?) What were the noticeable differences?

“No. It's something I'd considered but until I found Henry I wasn't drawn to the people I saw. I liked Henry's strategic and calm approach which was obvious from his site and also the clothes he picked for other clients. He felt more "cool" than some of the other shoppers I saw. Some of them looked a bit "naff" (terrible word but I think sums it up!). I felt less inclined to use a store shopper as I would imagine they may be motivated by sales targets etc. I'd wanted to do the jeans shopping thing in Selfridges but I find that vibe a bit intimidating so didn't. Also I don't like that you don't get chance to build a relationship - you don't know who you're going to get”.

On a scale of 1 - 10 how likely are you to introduce me to a friend of colleague?

“10 out of 10”.


Over a series of sessions together, we have built up a wardrobe of versatile pieces which compliment Cheryl’s varied work schedule. These pieces will serve as building blocks for years to come meaning fewer purchases in the future to make more outfits.


Effortless wardrobe staples:
Classic Belted Trench Coat, Cotton Overshirt with Buttoned Sleeve detail, White Tailored Jeans & Snakeskin Shoes


Formal work Selection:
Detailed Woollen Sweater, Patent Leather Boots, Tailored Jeans, Cotton Shirt & Statement Earrings


Eric Riley


Alice Allen